January 21, 2019

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 1/21/2019

Make your impact show an absence proves how much better things are with you than what they can get by on without you. #WelcomeToYourMonday

January 14, 2019

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 1/14/2019

You can never control another’s bad behavior. You can always control your behavior to those who do behave badly. #welcometoyourmonday

January 7, 2019

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 1/7/2019

When you are in pain, spend time with others who conquered similar pain, then prepare to pay their effort forward.

December 31, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 12/31/2018

Miracles are rarely spontaneous. They are usually the result of time and effort that resembles failure in the moment. #WelcomeToYourMonday Subscribe via: iTunes | Stitcher | Spreaker | YouTube | Google Podcasts | RSS

December 24, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 12/24/2018

Never treat a gift like a burden. Stay aware to what is really a blessing to have that may look like drudgery work.

December 17, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 12/17/2018

When you know what effort is needed to succeed and refuse to put in that effort, you will fail. Do not be surprised.

December 10, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 12/10/2018

People without good things to say about others rarely have good things to say about themselves. Show them otherwise.

December 3, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 12/3/2018

There is great value to good reputations and a high cost to bad ones. Working to grow either takes the same effort.

November 26, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 11/26/2018

People with low standards will lead a charge against people with high standards. Don’t let them get away with it.

November 5, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 11/5/2018

Success comes from a combination of luck, timing, hard work, and perseverance. Much more than you will expect.