There is no forever contract. Consequences permitting, you can choose to do whatever you want for as long as you want.
Don’t fret about taking the wrong path. Any path away from a dead or dying situation might as well be the ‘right’ path.
One of the drawbacks of being a good guy is knowing to play by the rules. But that makes the wins that much sweeter.
A plan does not have to be as rigid as steel, but it is through structure that one builds a true path to freedom.
There is no distinction between quality time and normal time. Moments are made by just spending time with people.
The most empowering question a person can ask is ‘why?’ Anyone unwilling to answer this question is your true enemy.
Take care of urgent things and find time to manage important things. There is plenty of time for unimportant things.
When the answers you receive are not the answers you seek, reframe your stance. Are you asking the right questions?
Those with a habit of throwing people under buses tend to find themselves lacking support for completing basic tasks.
Characters are doomed to live out life exactly as written on a page. You are an author who can write your own story.