August 20, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 8/20/2018

Do not sell yourself as a person offering up favors. Sell the value you provide and how they should not pass on it.

August 13, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 8/13/2018

Some people in your life are blessings, some are just lessons. The wisdom is in knowing how to act accordingly.

August 6, 2018

Monday Message for 8/6/2018

You can easily find ways to increase your workload. At some point, you need to come to a close and call it a day.

July 30, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 7/30/2018

There is a reason behind every action. It may not be obvious or rational, but there is always some true motivation.

July 23, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 7/23/2018

Everyone begins at zero. Even those who have the fortune of ‘overnight success’ had to start with a first attempt.

July 16, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 7/16/2018

If yesterday represents your greatest experience ever, you need to work harder at doing something amazing today.

July 9, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 7/9/2018

You will not know how good or bad your efforts can be until you try. You can not know much of anything until you try.

July 2, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 7/2/2018

During recovery, don’t tell people you were sick, say you are now healing. And the process takes as long as it needs.

June 25, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 6/25/2018

The only work you get credit for is visible. Unseen work is still important, but unsurprisingly, rarely celebrated.

June 18, 2018

Welcome To Your Monday Message for 6/18/2018

No one climbs Everest on a whim. All big dreams start with an idea but require detailed planning before execution.