Lessons are learned best when you do not take the good advice you know you should. Sound about right?
Ask yourself, “Who do you think you are?” When your answer can convince yourself, your answer will convince anyone.
If you do something wrong and feel remorse, apologize. If you have not done both, do not. Why waste insincere words?
Are you the average of the people you spend most time with? Or do you bring the average down for groups you enter?
You cannot live for another person. You can choose to live with and/or do for others. You should live for, live with, and do for yourself.
Tomorrow is promised to no one. Have something important to do? Why are you not working on it today?
Bitter pills are not easy to swallow, but improvement means swallowing bitter pills. Get used to it.
An alarm clock is either a necessity or useless. Determine how much structure you need, not want and prepare for it.
Any day that you draw breath is a day where anything is possible. What is on your list of possibilities for today?
Positive thinking is only the beginning. Without positive actions, things will never get done. Take action today!