Reality dictates not all good ideas can be seen to fruition. Don’t make your reality to murder all good ideas.
If you have enough time to complain, you have enough time to attempt to fix. Adjust your schedule accordingly.
Sometimes, validation of a good idea comes from seeing someone else succeed with it. Don’t hate. Create a new idea.
Luck exists, but it is not inherently good or bad. It is based on your ability to act on opportunities you create.
Failure is always an option. Without some chance of failure there is no adventure in the march to success.
Don’t stop offering help. The people that need your help the most are least likely to believe so, or accept.
Conversations where everyone says the same thing get boring fast. Try to share ideas with someone you disagree with.
History has only recorded one perfect person. That person is neither you nor I. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
The answers to your questions are always loud and clear. The source of your answers may surprise you.
Some days are harder to count blessings than others. Those days are most important for counting blessings.