Welcome to your Monday – 3/10/2014

Moving faster will not get you to a destination faster if you’re going the wrong way. Choose your paths wisely.

Welcome to your Monday – 3/3/2014

Prayer and meditation are very important. Seek wisdom and strength. Then get up and prepare to get to work.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/24/2014

Coming up short in problem solving? Try less complaining, more introspection, and a lot more action.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/17/2014

Having backup plans allows the option to quickly shift when your original plan falls apart. Always have a Plan B.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/10/2014

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, envy offers no fun. Work to remove all aspects of envy for a better life.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/3/2014

What do haters really hate? You rebuilding what they work hard to tear down. Stock up on lumber and nails.

Welcome to your Monday – 1/27/2014

Everyone is as messed up on the inside as you. They are just better at hiding it. You can learn the same.

Welcome to your Monday – 1/20/2014

Everything has a cost. Success failure & apathy all charge for admission. What are you willing to pay?

Welcome to your Monday – 1/13/2014

Making declarations on social media does not create accountability. Find a real person to hold you to obligations.

Welcome to your Monday – 1/6/2014

Abundance means having enough to give while wisely knowing not to just throwaway. Give freely, not foolishly.