Many fear opportunities they seek are behind locked doors. It never hurts to turn the knob and check for yourself.
Making the right actions at the right times for the right reasons allows pathways to success to open before you.
Home runs are great, but you can score with singles, doubles and triples. Don’t set the need for a miracle play.
You control the messages you will accept or reject. If you do not like the program, just change the channel.
Praise and love are not finite resources. There is plenty to go around. Send, receive, and share freely.
Affirmations work, but they are not magical. Effort is necessary to manifest anything, regardless of any guru speak.
Simple formula for success includes helping people, learning things, and having fun. Not necessarily in that order.
All games have a winner and losers. The same games have specific losers and multiple winners. Know the difference?
Assume the grass will always be greener on the other side. Just take the effort to water and weed your own grass.