Welcome to your Monday – 11/30/2015

Implying that you could care less implies that you do care. If you don’t care, say so. If you do care, then care.

Welcome to your Monday – 11/23/2015

You can only manage a crisis that is in your path. You can only assist others through a crisis of their own doing.

Welcome to your Monday – 11/16/2015

To move on means leaving things in good order or not caring about order as you leave. The situation gets to choose.

Welcome to your Monday – 11/9/2015

If your reason for not going through with a good idea is that it was not your idea, you don’t have a good reason.

Welcome to your Monday – 11/2/2015

You should be a part of something greater than just you. Just don’t live mission first, be mission focused.

Welcome to your Monday – 10/26/2015

One of the greatest gifts you can give is consistency. This is true even if you are consistently a rude jerk.

Welcome to your Monday – 10/19/2015

Everyday you don’t become history you have a chance to make it. Plan accordingly and act wisely as the day goes by.

Welcome to your Monday – 10/12/2015

You are capable of greater things. Just take a moment to check if the thing you are doing now isn’t great enough.

Welcome to your Monday – 10/5/2015

When people do you wrong, the best thing you can do is to forgive them. Especially if they’re not sorry.

Welcome to your Monday – 9/28/2015

Rules are created to keep people from generally hurting themselves and others. Respect good rules. Change bad ones.