Welcome to your Monday – 1/18/2016

People will use drama to stall action. Their motives are complicated, but don’t counter with complicated actions.

Until Next Tuesday – 1/12/2016

A 90 second extension on the topic of being mindful of life and health, honoring the death of David Bowie.

Welcome to your Monday – 1/11/2016

People who take everything personal are usually people lacking any personality. Every slight is not about you.

Until Next Tuesday – 1/5/2016

90 Seconds on being thankful for your health to hold you down until next Tuesday. . .

Welcome to your Monday – 1/4/2016

Fortifying a castle turret is useless if you weaken the gates and drain the moat. Upgrade security with caution.

Until Next Tuesday – 12/29/2015

90 Seconds on New Year’s Resolutions to hold you down until next Tuesday. . .

Welcome to your Monday – 12/28/2015

Eliminate the excuses you created to see the real reasons you are missing on success. Address those immediately.

Welcome to your Monday – 12/21/2015

If the information you receive seems slanted, don’t just discount it. Always consider the source it came from.

Welcome to your Monday – 12/14/2015

Split second decisions are inevitable. But if you get two seconds to breathe, you can plan. Plans are a good thing.

Welcome to your Monday – 12/7/2015

Every idea is not good. Every good idea is not actionable or will survive. Do not stop developing more ideas.