Welcome to your Monday – 3/7/2016

Being blessed with sight does not automatically bestow the blessing of vision. Be mindful as you do your planning.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/29/2016

If the words you want to say do nothing to make a situation better, think about the reason you want to say them.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/22/2016

Change is rearranging furniture. Transformation means tearing down the entire house to build something greater.

Welcome to your Monday – 2/15/2016

There is a difference between fighting with and fighting for. Learn the difference, then decide which one to do.

Friday Dance Break – 2/5/2016

Here you go… Happy Friday people!

Welcome to your Monday – 2/1/2016

People who don’t listen don’t hear. There is always something important being said or not said that can be missed.

Friday Dance Break – 1/29/2016

Here you go… Happy Friday people!

Until Next Tuesday for 1/26/2016

Remember the Seinfeldian Chain? I’m bringing it up and bragging on myself for a streak of five of these videos in this weeks allotted 90 seconds. Because I can.

Welcome to your Monday – 1/25/2016

You have the right to show your talents, but not to diminish others. Shine on without blocking other spotlights.

Until Next Tuesday for 1/19/2016

A 90 second reminder to not let people put words into your mouth . . . as people spent the MLK Holiday putting words into Dr King’s.