Welcome to your Monday – 11/28/2016

Successful people find ways to do the things they say are going to do. Say what you want, then make it happen. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 11/21/2016

A sales pitch that involves a threat is actually a strong arm tactic. Even these are subject to some negotiation. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 11/14/2016

A few days away from your social media feeds can do a world of good for you mentally. Just don’t brag about it. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 11/7/2016

A regular schedule is about freeing up your life, not limiting it. Schedule your day around achieving just one goal. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 10/31/2016

People generally hate change, but do not confuse that with hating you for bringing needed changes to a situation. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 10/24/2016

Witch hunts are rarely successful, because witches do not exist. Find the real source of your fear, and face that. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 10/17/2016

Your turning point is not the final chapter. It is the first page of a book many who know you may not want to read. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 10/10/2016

The cost of an investment is set by the active market. The value is determined by those willing to pay the cost. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 10/3/2016

Solutions to most issues, major or minor, usually have a common theme. Hard work is needed to find a resolution. #WelcometoyourMonday

Welcome to your Monday – 9/26/2016

A viable idea may seem crazy, but all crazy ideas are not viable. Always include sanity checks on innovation drives. #WelcometoyourMonday