October 16, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 10/16/2017

Being put in a box is not that bad, as long as you have the right to choose your box and how long you stay in it.

October 9, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 10/9/2017

Advice given by people walking away is advice you were not going to take anyway. Maybe you should consider taking it.

October 2, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 10/2/2017

Your success starts with a definition that comes from you. Others can contribute, but not write your definition.

September 25, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 9/25/2017

Perfection is difficult, so do not aim for perfection. When good enough really is good enough, then leave it at that.

September 18, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 9/18/2017

Some projects are like mountain climbing. Know the degree of difficulty before you reach the point of no return.

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 9/11/2017

Every speed bump placed on a highway is there to serve a purpose. Do not add extra slowdowns to your life’s journey.

Monday Message for 9/4/2017

Learn the true value of relationships. Eating a goose that lays golden eggs is not a good move, despite being tasty.

August 28, 2017

Monday Message for 8/28/2017

Some of the greatest people owe their origin to dysfunctional backgrounds. Carry no shame for your starting point.

August 21, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 8/21/2017

Things others do that are not important to you but motivate them are important to you if they are important to you.

August 14, 2017

#WelcomeToYourMonday Message for 8/14/2017

Every plan has some flaw that can be exploited. It is up to the opposing team to form a plan to properly exploit it.